In The Garden by S. Timothy Glasscock

tomatoes cut to make tomato sandwich

There is no place on earth like a garden. The smell of humus, the feel of the soil in your hands, the way the tiny plants bend toward the light—all this and more bring my heart out of hibernation when I am in the garden.

I started growing a garden specifically for tomatoes. I am a hopeless tomato addict. I love them raw, on a sandwich, in a salad, cooked in stews and soups, sliced thin and served with a vinaigrette. There is just no wrong way to eat a good tomato. But my favorite way to eat a tomato is on a tomato sandwich. No frills, white bread (forgive me), mayo, sliced tomatoes, salt and pepper. Oh, JOY! You can add a piece of good cheese if you need to gild the lily, but the foregoing is all you really need for true perfection.

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