Babies self soothe by sucking on their thumbs. Mental health professionals now feel that it is important to learn self soothing skills at all ages.
And boy are we needing to soothe our anxiety and fears this week. Here are 20 things I have discovered will calm me down when I am stressed and full of fear.
1. Soak in a tub, preferably with bubbles.
My ex once told me he knew how upset I was by how many baths I took. That day I had taken three and I wasn't done yet. According to recent research, taking a regular bath is associated with a moderate lift in mood among people with depression.
And my Mom's recommendation was to pour Epson Salts into the water to soothe sore muscles as well as your mood.
2. Sitting in a porch swing, glider or rocking chair.
There is just something about sitting on the porch swinging, gliding or rocking that will also calm me down. Part of it is probably being outside near my potted plants and flowers, but I also find a rocking chair inside helps as well.
I love swinging, gliding and rocking on the porch in the morning with my cup of coffee or in the evening as I watch the sun set.
3. Walking on the beach, next to the ocean.
For me I think it is the combination of the smell of the sea and the rhythmic sound of the waves, along of course, with exercise and being out in nature. Growing up in California, it also says home to me.
4. Sounds of nature
There are certain sounds that will calm me right away. Here in Mexico it rains mostly at night with thunder and lightning. I love the calm feeling of being tucked away under my blankets while mother nature is making everything green.
Did you know there are YouTube videos that play nature sounds? Some of the videos are hours long to last you all night or during a nap. Here are some of my favorites. Click to go to the YouTube video.
Forest Stream with Birds
Rain on Windows with Thunder
Ocean Waves
Forest at Night
Wind in the Trees
5. Sitting Underneath a Tree
6. Wrap Yourself in a Cozy Blanket.
I love a super soft throw blanket. I got my current favorite is red and lightweight. I have also been reading a lot about weighted blankets to help calm those who are stressed. I thought they might be too hot, but then I found one on Amazon with great reviews.
It comes in many sizes, weights and colors. It has over 24,000 great reviews. Plus it is not very expensive $49.99.
Click here to see more.
7. Cuddle with your pets. Yup that always works for me.
8. Make a gratitude list
I have a gratitude wall. Yes I wrote all over my wall. During hard times I stop to read it. Also if I am fussing and having trouble sleeping I can go through the things in my life I am grateful for. There are so many things that I fall asleep before I get through my list.
9. Bring flowers into my home
Right now my gardenia plants are blooming like crazy. First thing I do in the morning while letting the dogs out is check to see if I have any new blossoms to bring inside. They are not only beautiful but the smell distracts from from the chaos going on in the world.
10. Writing a Haiku
Writing a haiku makes me pay attention to something other than my fears. I especially like doing this in the bathtub. They are short enough to remember without writing them down. I remember once while trying to calm myself in the tub, writing a haiku about the sound of the rotating lawn sprinkler outside that I could hear through the open bathroom window.
11. Applying skin lotion
The feel and smell distracts me from my worries.
12. Baking bread
Okay, I don't really do this one, except to make banana bread that I can toast and take outside onto my patio, in the morning with my cup of coffee.
13. Do something I can control
Even cleaning out and organizing one drawer can help distract me and give me back a tiny feeling of being in control. My great aunt told me she cleaned out one drawer every day when she had cancer.
14. Listen to music that calms you down or gets you up dancing.
I am completely convinced that you cannot stay upset while dancing. Click here to see my list of music that always gets me up and dancing
15. Meditate
16. Create Something
17. Go to an art museum
And if it is impossible to go now because of COVID19, there are virtual museum tours. One of my favorites is the Frida Kahlo show currently at the De Young museum in San Francisco. You can see the virtual tour by
clicking here. It's spectacular.
18. Walk in a garden
A walk in a beautiful garden will always soothe my spirit and make me feel more peaceful. If you are looking for a beautiful virtual garden tour,
click here to see Monet's Giverny tour.
19. Perform an act of kindness
20. Plant a bush or a tree
Time with my hands in the dirt, planting something is so healing. Is there anything more optimistic than planting a tree?