Haiku While Sheltering at Home

Are you noticing the small, ordinary things in your life more, now that you are quarantined at home? I know I am. Plus it's so quiet. I am hearing more as well. I decided this was a good time to try writing haiku again. I haven't done it in years.

waking to bird songs
and the silent cobblestones
no one passes by

Thinking I could use a bit of a refresher course,  I pulled out the three haiku books I brought with me to Mexico. I planned on writing a lot of haiku. Three and a half years here and the above is my first. Now maybe it's I'm quiet enough to bring haiku back into my life.

This is my go to Haiku book. Available in paperback on Amazon.


Written for kids, this one is actually good for beginning teenagers and adults as well. 

How about you? Do you haiku? Send them to us at... whatmakesuscomealive@gmail.com

same home, different ears
bird song lilting and laughing
I love my music

sounds of wind,
chimes and frogs on the pond
wish you were both here

boom boom goes my heart,
this joy--sublime ecstasy
--falling into God.